

時間:2 小時 (午膳或晚膳時間)






內容 : 1. 分組 - 分為無家者、貧窮人、普通人、富有人四組 (5’)

2. 活動簡介 (10’)

3. 分組活動 - 分為貧窮人、普通人、富有人進餐 (15’)

4. 牧師慰問及解說每組感受 (15’)

5. 繼續分組進餐(30’)

6. 每組匯報組員感受(15’)

7. 大會解說及總結 (15’)

8. 參加者回應

a) 立志參與扶貧計劃

b) 立志參與扶貧義工

c) 預備參與扶貧活動   


d) 其它

9. 牧者鼓勵及祈禱 (5’)



查詢詳情,歡迎與「教關」同工何國傑先生(KK Ho)聯絡。

(電話:3689 9810  電郵:info@hkcnp.org.hk)      


Rich and Poor Banquet

Date: Can be organized as one of the regular feasts in the church

Duration: 2 hours (as lunch or dinner)

Venue: Church

Objective: Through experiencing activities, Christians can experience what’s grace, understand the needs of the poor and the injustice and unfairness in our society. Hence they can reflect on, as Christians, how to respond to these social issues

Target: Church members

No. of participants: 40-60

Program: 1. Divide them into four groups (by drawing) – homeless, poverty, normal, rich (5’)

2. Introduction of program (10’)

3. Group activities – meals in poverty, normal and rich groups (15’)

4. Pastor’s comfort and elaboration of feelings from each group (15’)

5. Continue with the meals (30’)

6. Reflection and sharing from each group (15’)

7. Conclusion and explanations (15’)

8. Participants’ response

a) devote to poverty alleviation programs

b) devote to participate in poverty alleviation voluntary work

c) preparing for participation in poverty alleviation activities

(e.g. the Network’s 10.10.10 anti-poverty campaign, prayer meetings and fasting for the poverty …) 

d) Others

9. Pastor’s encouragement and prayer (5’)

Budget: Food. $60 per head (average)


Please contact Mr K K Ho for enquiries.

(Tel no: 3689 9810          E-mail address: info@hkcnp.org.hk)