蔡志森先生:明光社扶貧事工介紹 2018-4-27
香港貧窮問題 (上) :現況與成因(附教材)
香港貧窮問題 (下) :對策的探討(附教材)
STOP. (Stop Trafficking Of People)
「香港人口販運英粵詞典」Human Trafficking Glossary of Terms Used in Hong Kong
Cross-cultural Ministry
Are you unequally yoked? 7 types of partnership in cross-cultural ministry.
Micah Network
Re.imagining Activism – A practical guide for the Great Transition
CIVICUS - The High Level Political Forum Guide (HLPF)
Tearfund Resource
Church and Community Mobilisation (CCM) process
- A comparison of church mobilisation and church and community mobilisation (PDF 39 KB)
- Key principles of church and community mobilisation
- Training resources for church and community mobilisation
- Church-based community mobilisation models in East and Southern Africa – a report comparing a number of different mobilisation models (PDF 444 KB)
- How to integrate local-level advocacy into church and community mobilisation (CCM) processes – CCM advocacy guide (PDF 475 KB)
Circular Economy
- Closing the Loop - How the circular economy can create jobs and save lives in low and middle-income countries
- Virtuous Circle - How the circular economy can create jobs and save lives in low and middle-income countries