「一杯涼水」 緊急援助基金
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【「一杯涼水」 緊急援助基金】李炳南牧師:實踐神吩咐要我們做的事
1. 遇突發性困難和挑戰(如患病、意外受傷、有親人最近離世等等)
2. 持有香港身份證明文件
3. 申請人年齡須為18歲或以上
4. 經教關伙伴教會核實屬基層人士
5. 經教關伙伴教會核實有緊急經濟需要
6. 有教關伙伴教會人士跟進
7. 申請之伙伴教會需於申請表上以50-100文字向「教關」提供引薦申請者的原因
1. 每間教會最多可引薦最多15名申請者
2. 教會須於申請成功後1個月內提交文字分享申請人如何透過教關「一杯涼水」緊急援助金面對生活的困難、無助,分享計劃如何幫助教會發展及深化關係,生命轉變。教關會上載分享至教關網站、Facebook、IG,鼓勵更多教會參與社關服侍。
3. 教關愛心行動連結機構或個人群體,提供免費資源,例如食物、金錢、服務、物資或活動等,透過教關伙伴分享給地區基層人士,但不能保證其質素及狀況,敬請見諒。
查詢:教關「一杯涼水」緊急援助金電郵 hkcnprelieffund@hkcnp.org.hk
1. 有意申請之牧者可先填妥以下資料作登記
2. 收到以下資料後,教關將電郵援助金申請表格給牧者
3. 教會與申請人填妥表格,並簽名作實後電郵給教關 hkcnprelieffund@hkcnp.org.hk
4. 教關收到申請表和表格資料齊全後一個月內,會進行審核並回覆通知教會申請結果
5. 申請經教關審批後,每名成功申請人可獲一次性援助金港幣 $5000,教關將發放支票,經伙伴教會全數撥捐有緊急需要的基層人士。
教關「一杯涼水」 緊急援助基金前身-支援失業之先導計劃歷史:
早於2003年沙士疫情,教關前身創立「教會關注失業行動」向教會和社會人士籌募經費港幣300萬元,創逾1,000個創業和就業職位,並為失業人士成立熱線,提供情緒支援及擇業輔導。教關期望以失業援助金助基層應付生活所需,經教會全數撥捐基層失業人士。2020年新型冠狀肺炎疫情,重創香港社會經濟,基層人士首當其衝。有見及此,教關成立「一杯涼水失業緊急援助金」,與伙伴教會合作為受疫情影響而失業的基層人士提供一次性援助金,讓教會與基層人士同行,解決他們的燃眉之急,紓緩經濟壓力,重點希望幫助教會與基層人士深化關係,繼續同行,轉化生命。2023年3月再度貼近社會最新情況的需要,改為現時的 教關「一杯涼水」 緊急援助基金。
【「一杯涼水」 緊急援助基金】教關總幹事馬秀娟介紹教關一系列疫情先導計劃
1)轉賬至「教關」銀行户口 銀行名稱:香港匯豐銀行
轉數快ID: 2334688
郵寄或傳到 info@hkcnp.org.hk /
傳真 (852) 3013 8950 / WhatsApp 6760 2025 。
*備註:捐款港幣 100 元或以上可獲收據,作申請香港扣稅之用;捐款收據會在收到捐款後的3個月內發出。
HKCNP "A Glass of Water" Emergency Relief Fund
The Poor and the unemployed are suffering the hardest hit by the pandemic in our city. Many of them were unable to pay rent and medical expenses. In view of this, HKCNP has provided a one-time aid $5000 to relieve their urgent needs.Check out Short promo clip for HKCNP Emergency Relief Fund x $10,000 Reasons:
Many families are struggling under the pandemic - are you ready to help?
COVID 19 has brought significant down turn in economy. Many families have been hard hit. Here are some stories:
- Both husband and wife have no job, with two children. Husband has emotional sickness but he refused to apply for any government subsidies and does not take care of family. Most responsibilities are on wife, she suffers from isomnia.
- Both husband and wife have no steady job, need to raise a daughter. Husband sometimes takes odd jobs. She has spent a lot of money on medical bill for her back and has big finance problem.
-Wife is unemployed and husband's income has dropped significantly. They resort to borrowing to support their family. They have frequent family quarrels on money issue and wife even considers divorce due to tremendous pressure.
Unemployment is not only a finance issue, also caused family problem and affects future of children.
HKCNP launched "A Glass of Cold Water" Relief Fund and gave support to above three families.
These families received our relief fund, and are now supported by and journeyed along with church staff for life's next step.
HKCNP encourages supporters to generously share, and from Government $10,000 handout, with the needy. Let's share so more people see light and hope, and children see their future.
We sincerely invite you to join our anti-poverty movement by contributing your parts to the needy. Thanks and God bless.
1) Fund transfer to "HKCNP" bank account Bank Name: HSBC
Bank account: 168-523-470-838
The Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor Company Limited
FPS ID: 2334688
2)Write “relief fund” on the bank receipt with personal information and send to us through
WhatsApp:6760 2025
Email:info@hkcnp.org.hk /
Fax (852) 3013 8950 /
mail to P.O. Box.: 88427, Sham Shui Po Post Office, Kowloon
For questions, please contact info@hkcnp.org,hk
Press here for more donation detail
*Tax donation receipt available for donation HK$100 or above.
The donation receipt will be issued within 3 months after receiving the donation