


17th October has been declared the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty since 1993 by UN General Assembly. All states are invited to devote the day to remember people living in poverty, fight against destitution collaboratively, tackle deficiency through concrete actions, enhance conversation and understanding among people in poverty and their community and make concerted efforts to have everyone’s human rights respected.

Learn more about the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: https://www.un.org/en/events/povertyday/


10.10.10. 關懷貧窮運動 (教會) 10.17 少食一餐關懷貧窮運動 (商界、團體、及個人)


“今年的消除貧窮國際日到來之際,全世界正在 2030 年可持續發展議程的指導下,大膽走上新的道路,邁向人人享有尊嚴的未來。”

——聯合國秘書長潘基文 2015 年消除貧窮國際日致辭